Busting The Dominance/Pack Myths

Many trainers, behaviorists and dog owners today are still buying into an old, outdated, and very flawed myth about dominance and pack mentality in domesticated dogs and wild wolves. In this blog post I’m going to explain the truth and bust those old myths, based on irrefutable science.
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Just "Be" With Your Dog

I have been doing something with my dog since reading an article on caring for dogs who are terminal (illness, old age, but their days are numbered, they're not in great health). It said to just be there for them. Sit with them, lie down with them, you don't have to do anything, just be there next to them while they nap, or relax. The point was that the dog does NEED are food, water, etc, but what they WANT is you, their family, more than the food and water and stuff. It got me to thinking...
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